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Child Care Technical Assistance

The Child Care Resource and Referral program is dedicated to serving children, their families, and the early childhood education community in Moore County. They advocate for high quality child care and strive to offer services that will provide children with the best possible learning environment.


They help families by:

- Educating parents about how to recognize and locate high quality child care.

- Informing parents about North Carolina’s star rated child care licensing system.

- Providing information about local resources to assist with family needs, including financial assistance with child care.


They help early childhood educators by:

- Providing technical assistance to improve child care quality.

- Locating resources and information for those interested in attending college.

- Offering training on important child care topics such as health and safety, developmentally appropriate activities, and more.

- Guiding child care programs as they open and work towards their child care license.

- Supporting them with newsletters, training calendars, and lending libraries that contain textbooks and educational materials.


They help our community by:

- Providing data about local child care supply and demand.

- Educating the public about high quality child care.

- Advocating for high quality child care in Moore County.

- Seeking ways to increase the supply of local high quality child care.

- Promoting awareness on issues involving children and families.

- Coordinating with local agencies and resources to support children and their families.


For more information contact the regional referral line at (877) 230-3024.

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