Developmental Milestones
The following list depicts typical milestones of development in children birth to age five. Children grow and learn at different rates. However, there are similar milestones each young child will reach during his/her development. This chart indicates some of these milestones by age. This will help you monitor your child's growth, and also guide your interactions with your young one.
0-3 months
Lifts head temporarily
Grasps objects placed in hands
Movements change from purposeless to more deliberate
Makes throaty noises, gurgles
Begins smiling socially
3-6 months
Has good head control
Rolls side to side
Coos and babbles
Turns head to sound
6-9 months
Follows objects with eyes
Reaches for, grasps, and puts toys in mouth
Crawls and pulls up to furniture
Babbles and makes sound
Expresses joy and displeasure vocally
Responds to "no"
9-12 months
Finds hidden objects
Finger feeds
Imitates sounds and gestures
Plays peek-a-boo and patty cake
Puts objects into containers
Walks holding on
Knows the names of common objects
Understands simple directions
Says "mama" and "dada"
Uses a couple other meaningful words
12-18 months
Picks up small objects
Walks alone
Stoops to get toy while standing alone
Points to pictures in books and common objects
Uses gestures to get needs met
Says five to ten words
18 months-2 years
Plays make-believe
Walks up stairs with help
Sorts by shapes and colors
Uses and understands at least 50 words
Identifies and names most major body parts
Follows two requests
Uses two-four word sentences
2-3 years
Plays make-believe with dolls, animals, or people
Plays with others well
Feeds self
Copies drawing a circular shape
Builds a tower of six to eight blocks
Understands placement in space (in, on, under, over)
Understands most simple questions about environment and activities
Names familiar pictures and objects
3-4 years
Throws a ball overhand
Can stand on one foot
Dresses and undresses without help
Cuts simple shapes
Draws circles and squares
Expresses basic feelings about self and others
More independent
Enjoys books and stories
Recalls parts of stories
Answers simple "what," "where," and "who" questions
Knows one or more colors
4-5 years
Wants to please friends
Aware of gender
Prints some letters
Draws a face and a person with a body
Says first and last name
Names several colors
Tells a story
Speaks in sentences with five or more words
Uses future tense
If you have any questions or concerns, contact your pediatrician to schedule a screening. Screenings are also offered by the CDSA (Children's Developmental Services Agency) for children birth to three and by Moore County Schools for children three to five years old.
CDSA (910) 295-3133 I Moore County Schools (910) 947-2342, extension 285
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