Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
What Is Triple P?
Triple P is a parenting program, but it does not tell you how to be a parent. It is more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. Whether you're dealing with the big, small or one-off problems of raising a young child… we can help!
Temper tantrums?
A child who won't go to bed and stay there?
Kids who don't listen or a defiant child?
Disrespectful or rude behavior?
You will be speaking with Diane Atherton, our accredited Triple P Practitioner and Family Outreach Coordinator. She has more than 30 years of experience in early education and child development and is well-trained in helping you with a variety of Triple P, resiliency, and discipline strategies.
There’s no catch. This is a free program for Moore County families raising children under the age of 13 (thanks to support from The United Way of Moore County and Moore Women – A Giving Circle). We typically provide this service face-to-face at our office but want to make it as widely available as possible given the current circumstances and increased needs of local families. No long-term commitment required - all that you need is a desire to be the kind of parent you want to be!

The Goal: More Positive in your Days.
One-on-one support
FREE one-on-one positive parenting support is available virtually on Zoom, over-the-phone, and in-person for any Moore County caregiver (parents, guardians, grandparents, etc.) raising young children under the age of 13. Get help today! Contact Diane Atherton at datherton@pfcfmc.org or (910) 929-6603.
Parent workshops
We also offer FREE discussion group workshops for Moore County caregivers of young children. Pre-registration is required. Please note, these sessions are NOT eligible for childcare provider CHCs.
Workshop Topics
Dealing with Disobedience - All caregivers face moments when their children will not “do as they are told” or test their limits. This group workshop will look at some of the reasons why children exhibit challenging behaviors, offer strategies to help you teach your child the skill of cooperation and make a plan to deal with disobedience when it happens.
Managing Fighting and Aggression - It can be hard to know when to step in or how to calm things down when children argue or fight. This workshop looks at some reasons why children fight and gives some practical suggestions to help you prevent problems by teaching your child to play cooperatively and resolve conflicts and manage any problems with fighting and aggression if needed.
Hassle-Free Shopping with Children - Parents often have to manage children when they misbehave in public, or when the really lose their cool…and it seems it is so much worse when at the store, running errands, at an appointment or dining out. This workshop looks at common shopping hassles and offers some practical suggestions to help manage problems that happen while out and about and actually enjoy shopping again.
Virtual Seminars
These FREE virtual seminars are open for any Moore County resident interested in learning more about how they can parent positively. Pre-registration is required. Please note, these sessions are NOT eligible for child care provider CHCs.
We currently do not have any virtual seminars available.